Gelato Artigianale
by Paolo Ventrone
on 01/09/2016
Following a recent trip to the Tuscan hill top village of Sarteano in Italy, I was able to sample some of the finest Italian gelateria’s the country had to offer.
It was a family member who pointed out the etiquette of choosing your gelateria. Looking out for ‘the sign’, usually a photo or drawing of a cone of ice cream displayed in the window or hanging outside saying the words “Gelato Artigianale”, direct meaning in English is “made on site gelato”. These gelato houses are very sought after in Italy by the locals. They are easy to notice as the queues are going out the door and down the cobblestone streets, happy smiling faces and perhaps more importantly, no one returning for a refund!
So how do these artisanal gelateria’s keep the public so happy? By using the freshest ingredients and never compromising on quality. Using fresh eggs, whole milk and cream to make their custard base, the starting point for any creamy flavour, always using flavours in season and lots of them!
Italian Gelato compared to American or British ice creams are amazingly good for you. A combination of fresh ingredients and being naturally high in protein, vitamin E and B2 makes this sweet treat healthy too. Making it less of an indulgence and more of a daily part of your ‘passeggiata’ routine.
So what are you waiting for!? Next time you find yourself in Italy, don’t stop at the first gelateria you find, venture out and support ‘Artigianale’. You’ll never forget the taste.
If you are a fan of ice cream make sure you sign up for our next food trend report by hitting the ‘food trends‘ button at the top of the page. It focuses on ice cream brands trying replicate this authenticity and taste, from small independents to large chains and everything in-between.